Toby Daniels

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Search and discovery will be replaced by AI, which will anticipate your needs and provide hyper-personalized entertainment experiences.

Humans have a thirst for convenience and personalization. We want quick, tailored content across many platforms, such as streaming music, TV, and film. We hate choice and being made to think. In the future, our entertainment preferences will not just be catered to but anticipated by AI, rendering search, discovery, and even the prompting of AI chatbots obsolete.


  • The future of entertainment may be defined by Anticipation On-Demand Entertainment, where AI will anticipate and deliver personalized content based on consumer behavior and preferences.
  • AI's ability to process massive amounts of data in real time allows it to learn from and predict user behavior, taking personalization to new levels.
  • In this future, AI could automatically select music or shows aligning with the user's current mood, conversations, or global trends, without any manual intervention.
  • This highly tailored entertainment experience could transform the way we engage with platforms, making entertainment consumption more efficient and immersive.
  • Anticipatory AI might also influence content creation, with shows being created on-the-spot based on user's unmet needs and desires.
  • With continuous improvements in machine learning algorithms and UI design, the accuracy of such anticipation is expected to increase.
  • This could potentially lead to the unbundling of content, raising questions about the need for platforms like Netflix or Hulu.
The Future
Of Entertainment
We Are Algorithm-ing
Into a Monoculture

We call this Anticipation On-Demand Entertainment. Catchy right?

Humans have a thirst for convenience and personalization. We want quick, tailored content across many platforms, such as streaming music, TV, and film. We hate choice and being made to think. In the future, our entertainment preferences will not just be catered to but anticipated by AI, rendering search, discovery, and even the prompting of AI chatbots obsolete. 

AI’s ascent in entertainment personalization is not surprising, considering its inherent ability to process vast data volumes and generate real-time insights. AI uses sophisticated algorithms to analyze consumer behavior patterns, learn from them, and then make data-driven predictions about what a user might like next. We’ve seen the early stages in algorithms that suggest songs, films, or series based on the user’s past preferences. However, the concept of Anticipation On-Demand Entertainment takes it to a whole new level, and this will be just the beginning of something even more profoundly important.

Anticipation On-Demand imagines a future where AI knows what we want to consume before we even realize it ourselves. Imagine coming home and there’s a new show in your queue that doesn’t just align with your taste and preferences but has been generated according to your current mental state or even your subconscious.

The same can be applied to music. Based on your historical listening patterns, the AI might anticipate that you need a lively playlist to kickstart your Monday morning or soothing instrumental music to help you focus on work. A potential scenario is your AI seamlessly changing the music in the background as you transition from a morning jog to a work-from-home setup, catering to your fluctuating moods and activities without requiring manual intervention.

This level of automated personalization will change our engagement with entertainment platforms, making the experience more immersive and effortless. Users no longer have to spend time searching or discovering new content; instead, the AI does it for them. The user experience becomes more streamlined, and entertainment consumption becomes more efficient. The advantage is twofold; while consumers receive a hyper-personalized experience, entertainment providers can increase customer satisfaction and engagement.

But why will we even need these providers? Could this result in another unbundling of content as the need for Netflix or Hulu becomes obsolete? 

Moreover, with the anticipated improvements in machine learning algorithms and user interface design, the accuracy and timeliness of such anticipation will only increase. The AI will continuously learn from our changing preferences, making real-time adjustments to deliver content that aligns with our current mood, recent conversations, or global trends.

We need to think beyond curation, though, Anticipatory AI will also work its way into the creation process. Your shows will be created for you, on demand and in real time. The story plays out according to your unmet needs and desires. The next scene you watch hasn’t even been created yet.

What does this mean for format and length? What is an episode or a series even in this new reality? Why would a show need to end?  

The possibilities offered by Anticipation On-Demand Entertainment are exciting. AI, with its ability to analyze, learn, and predict, can bring unprecedented personalization to our entertainment experiences. It can transform 'on-demand' from simply 'what we want' to 'what we want before we know we want it.' It is the dawn of a new era where AI doesn’t just respond to our demands but anticipates them, making our digital experiences smoother, more efficient, and truly personalized.

TL;DR: takeaways:

  • AI's evolution may lead to Anticipation On-Demand Entertainment, where your preferences are predicted and met even before you realize them.
  • This advanced level of personalization could redefine our interaction with entertainment platforms, making the user experience more immersive and effortless.
  • Anticipatory AI could also influence content creation, leading to shows tailored to the viewer's current mood, desires, or subconscious thoughts.
  • As machine learning algorithms and UI design continue to improve, anticipatory AI's precision and relevance will increase.
  • This evolution might lead to the unbundling of content, questioning the need for existing entertainment platforms like Netflix or Hulu.


  • While Anticipation On-Demand Entertainment seems revolutionary, it raises serious concerns about privacy, as AI would need to access extensive personal data to make accurate predictions.
  • Over reliance on AI might eliminate the joy of discovery, reducing the opportunity for users to explore diverse content beyond their regular preferences.
  • The idea of AI creating shows in real-time raises questions about the quality and creativity of such content compared to human-produced content.
  • Not all users may appreciate such a high level of personalization, as it could make their experiences feel manipulated or artificial.
  • The argument assumes continuous improvements in AI algorithms and UI designs. However, technological progress might face obstacles, slowing the pace of such evolution.
  • The possibility of unbundling content also brings up issues related to copyright laws and how artists would be compensated for their work.

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