real discourse


Welcome to ON_Discourse, a new membership media company focused on the business of technology, raising the level of discourse with expert-driven perspectives.

Why are

you here?

We are Surrounded

by Fake-experts

Lacking Depth

in their Thinking

Ideas are

Trapped within

Conventional boundaries



in Tech Lead to

Costly Mistakes

in Business

The People

in our Industry

Often Sound



the Same

What to


Our number one value is we provide is new Perspectives.

To see different points of view. To have the ability to disagree productively. To understand the depth of emerging technology and its potential impact on Business. Business across all verticals such as entertainment, finance, marketing, CPG, health, climate, etc.

To hopefully save you bad decisions and recognize new opportunities.

And as a bonus, meet new people, and read some stuff along the way.



For Executive

Industry Leaders

and Entrepreneurs

Attend ON_Partner Dinners

Access to gated live tapings of podcast

Receive ON_Discourse Newsletter

Access to Private Networking

Ability to Submit Ideas & Contribute

Attend ON_Co Events (Cannes, Money 20/20, etc.)

Attend ON_Virtual Events & Discussions

BLADE Airport + pass & discounted flights




at Cannes Sport Beach

June 19-23, 2023
La Mandala Beach, Cannes

ON_Sports at Cannes Sport Beach in partnership with Stagwell, will comprise of four days of discourse driven programming, a private, members-only dinner for C-suite leaders and athletes.


in the Hamptons

August 8-9th, 2023
The Hamptons, NY

ON_Hamptons will feature a members-only reception, a private luncheon and an afternoon of discussions, featuring icons, entrepreneurs and investors in business, media, tech and entertainment.


at Money 20/20

October 22-25
Las Vegas, NV

ON_Finance, which takes place during Money 20/20 in Las Vegas, and will
bring together leaders in finance, commerce, payments and financial services innovation.






Our team is in the process of launching a Slack Channel for members in order to engage in live discourse with published content.


Q: Can we refer other members to ON_Discourse?

A: Absolutely! We encourage you to refer other members to ON_Discourse. Simply share the our application link to members you would like us to consider and be sure they include your name in the “Please include the name of a referring ON_ member” section.

Q: How and when can I access the ON_Discourse platform?

A: Accessing ON_Discourse is easy, and it officially opens on June 5th! Simply visit our website and login with the username and password you first created, and you will be able to access our exclusive content! Please note logins and passwords cannot be shared.

Q: Do you offer corporate pricing?

A: Yes, we do offer corporate pricing for companies interested in subscribing to ON_Discourse. Please reach out to to discuss your specific needs and we’ll be happy to provide you with more information.

Q: How often are new articles or content published on your platform?

A: We strive to provide fresh and engaging content regularly, however we strive for quality over quantity. New articles, newsletters, and podcasts are published multiple times per month, ensuring that you stay up to date with the latest trends and various perspectives in the tech industry.

Q: Can I contribute my own articles or content to the platform?

A: We welcome contributions from our community members. If you have a unique perspective or interesting content you’d like to share, we encourage you to reach out to our editorial team at with your ideas. We would be happy to review your submission and provide feedback. However, please note that while we appreciate your contributions, publication on our platform is not guaranteed. Our editorial team carefully selects content that aligns with our mission.


The Founders

Toby Daniels
Co-Founder, ON_Discourse
Dan Gardner
Chairman, Code and Theory, Co-Founder, ON_Discourse
Michael Treff
CEO, Code and Theory, Co-Founder, ON_Discourse
Larry Muller
COO, Code and Theory,
Co-Founder, ON_Discourse

The Team

Kelly Bourdet
Executive Editor,
Dharika Shah
Operations Manager,
Anthony DeRosa
Head of Content & Product,