Will AI drive a new UX?
AI is the first artificial interface layer that understands humans, redesigning how we interact with information and thus fundamentally changing how we work, play, communicate, consume, and ultimately spend our time. We may soon view GUIs like we currently view books.
provocation #1
[ Let me tell you why ]
provocation #2
[ Let me tell you why ]
[ No, they will]
provocation #3
[ No, it doesn't ]
[ Yes, it does ]
provocation #4
[ Let me tell you why ]
Will AI reorganize the re-org?
The people, processes, culture, and systems that underpin today’s digital business ecosystem will be replaced by a new suite of generative AI tools, eliminating existing roles, divisions, and departments, and birthing completely new ways of operating. There will be no such thing as an “AI-first company” because not embracing AI tomorrow will be equivalent to not using the internet today.
provocation #1
[ Synthetic Humans can do it ]
provocation #2
[ Yes, and here's why ]
[ I totally disagree ]
provocation #3
[ AI is an adolescent ]
provocation #4
[ Food for thought ]
Will brands matter in the AI era?
Generative AI will diminish the relevance of traditional brands and marketing channels. As AI accelerates a content and communications race to the bottom, legacy and startup brands will have to develop new methods for differentiation.