Can I attend ON_Discourse events?

Only members can access Living Issues, events, and the community. You can inquire about membership here.

Are events only in person?

No, we operate a hybrid approach to events, which we host online and in person.

What are Living Issues?

Living Issues are deep dives into specific business verticals, focused on the most urgent and important topics in business and technology. As a member you can view past Living Issues here.

Who is part of the ON_Discourse Community?

Our members are made up of a community of business leaders, spanning industries such as entertainment, sport, fashion, music, and tech. ON_Members are a diverse group of experienced decision makers, including C-suite executives, founders, and investors.

Can we refer other members to ON_Discourse?

We encourage you to refer your network to ON_Discourse. Feel free to refer potential members by sharing membership inquiry link and ask them to mention your name in the “Please include the name of a referring ON_Member” section. If you successfully bring in three new members, we’ll refund you one year of your membership.

Can I contribute my own articles or content to the platform?

We welcome contributions from our community experts. If you have a unique perspective or interesting content you’d like to share, we encourage you to reach out to our editorial team at editor@ondiscourse.com with your ideas. We would be happy to review your submission and provide feedback. However, please note that while we appreciate your contributions, publication on our platform is not guaranteed. Our editorial team carefully selects content that aligns with our mission.

What is the process for canceling my membership?

You may cancel your membership by sending an email request to our membership services team at memberships@ondiscourse.com.

How can I access the ON_Discourse platform?

Accessing ON_Discourse is easy. Simply visit ondiscourse.com and log in with the username and password you first created, and you will be able to access our exclusive content! Please note that logins and passwords cannot be shared.

Do you offer corporate pricing?

Yes, we do offer corporate pricing for companies interested in subscribing to ON_Discourse. Please reach out to memberships@ondiscourse.com to discuss your specific needs and we’ll be happy to provide you with more information.

Is there a newsletter for members?

Yes, we publish a weekly newsletter that highlights our Living Issues, articles, podcasts, and updates on forthcoming events.